Distance : + - 2.25km/h (+ - 4.5km/h for return cycling)
Average speed : + - 20km
Max speed : + - 30km
In searching for something new...on local trail from your hometown or half way around the world you have never been...on a mountain bike you can cover a great distance in short period of time...or short distance in a great period of time...they said the journey can be more important than the destination...in mountain biking there's no destination...just a bike, a rider and a place to ride - The Collective ROAM
dekat betul rumah ko ngan tempat kerje. aku lak kalau ride gi keje one way 19.8km. aku baru ride 2 kali gi ofis, kalau macam ko nyer dekat.. hari2 le jawabnyer..
mmg hari2x pun...kecuali hujan...
best nyer...4 kilo jer g opis.....giler nyer dekat....hahahah..aku satu hari nanti akan aku kayuh dari putrajaya g opis aku kt hartamas nih...hahahah..pecayalah....klu ok time balik pon aku kayuh gak..klu x o.k aku suh org uma aku g amik jer la...penat beb....g balik..kat 90 kilo tuh.....kekadang naik moto pon sengal bontot la bro...hahaha.....(siraplimau)
takper Adie..usaha tangga kejayaan...hang heret ja Scott tuh...tp kalau bawah Iron Horse leh shortcut kot...huhuhu
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